Sunday, May 28, 2006


Photos from free time during the Computers and Writing conference in Lubbock, Texas
(we couldn't capture the prairie dogs and jackrabbits with the camera, but there's a bison).

Monday, May 22, 2006

Jewelry for a Cause

For lovely gemstone and freshwater pearl jewelry, try this site and the others linked to it. You choose where part of your purchase goes: to support breast cancer research, animal shelters, literacy, the fight against hunger, or rainforests.;jsessionid=679FB80963D284F9A437DC908BC63CCC.prod02?categoryId=252&link=Store_LIT_LeftNav_252&siteId=2001

Sunday, May 21, 2006

"I am Joy, and I have come to stay."
~The Mountain that Loved a Bird (Mayne/Carle)

(photo by JBR)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

R. I. P. Stanley Kunitz

Poet Stanley Kunitz, who turned 100 last July, died yesterday. He was named Poet Laureate at age 95.

Requiescat in pacem.

This npr link has an interview and a copy of his poem The Long Boat. Look also for his poem The Layers.
Photo by Tina Fineberg from the NPR article.


Thursday, May 04, 2006


Check Mike Reynolds' blog for links to interesting political commentary, notably May 4 and February 2.

The Peace Takes Courage site highlights the efforts of a 15-year-old girls to make a difference in the world. If it takes a moment to load, it's worth the wait.

Dona Nobis Pacem. Shalom. Peace be unto you.