Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lotus Eaters?

Most cats will be sybarites if they have the chance, but these two have raised the tendency to perfection.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Look Beyond

Even hitting a brick wall doesn't mean there's no hope left.

Image courtesy of (c)


At the Gate of Mystery

My cat Sherlock died in April
his twilight-hued pelt stained red,
his gentle length crushed
under the wheels of a silver van.

I saw him last night: perfect,
dream-whole. His fur sleek, he perched
above me on a high hill’s crest.
Behind him, rich September sky,
a low red pine cone-heavy at his side.

He watched a Saint Bernard scrabble
up the steep talus slope, entreating.
Though my ears discerned no purr,
Sherlock’s gaze encompassed dog and me,
his benevolent face promised welcome.

The Cat Who Loved a Tree

Christmas Tree Decoration c.2006

(alias one who stalks decorations)